Scrolling Turkey Part II: The Gobble
In my last post I made a scrolling turkey but quickly realized, it needed to gobble.
I started by getting a few audio files of turkeys gobbling. I assembled the samples into a single file so that I could load them with a single http request but play them as audio sprites. I used OcenAudio to do it manually but I probably should have used the NPM package audiosprite which uses FFMPEG to automatically create audio sprites with associated metadata.
I grabbed the Sprite class from this repo and in its simplicity it works wonders!
class Sprite { constructor(settingsObj) { this.src = settingsObj.src; this.samples = settingsObj.sprite;
this.init(); }
async init() { // Set up web audio const AudioCtx = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; this.ctx = new AudioCtx(); // Load file this.audioBuffer = await this.getFile(); } async getFile() { // Request file const response = await fetch(this.src); if (!response.ok) { console.log(`${response.url} ${response.statusText}`); throw new Error(`${response.url} ${response.statusText}`); } const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer(); const audioBuffer = await this.ctx.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer); return audioBuffer; }
play(sampleName) { const startTime = this.samples[sampleName][0] / 1000; const duration = this.samples[sampleName][1] / 1000; const sampleSource = this.ctx.createBufferSource(); sampleSource.buffer = this.audioBuffer; sampleSource.connect(this.ctx.destination); sampleSource.start(this.ctx.currentTime, startTime, duration); }}
An instance of the class loads the audio file as an audio buffer. You pass in an options object with a path to the audio file in src
, and a sprite
object with named sprite keys with start times and duration in milliseconds. I just plugged in my audio file and the metadata for the three gobbles named a, b, and c:
const gobble = new Sprite({ src: 'assets/turkey/turkey-sprite.m4a', sprite: { a: [0, 1000], b: [1000, 1000], c: [2000, 1100], },});
I then add an event listener after the page loads to handle when someone clicks the turkey:
window.addEventListener('load', () => { const turkey = document.querySelector('.turkey'); turkey.addEventListener('click', () => { const sprites = ['a', 'b', 'c']; const randomSprite = sprites[Math.floor(Math.random() * sprites.length)];; });});
As a result, I am filled with delight.